Une manette PS4 adaptée

custom-dualshock-4L’histoire est belle : Peter Byrne, 21 ans, atteint d’Infirmité Motrice Cérébrale (IMC), habitant le New Jersey, a pris l’initiative de contacter l’entreprise SONY afin de leur faire part de ses difficultés de manipulation de la manette. Du fait de sa pathologie, Peter souffre de gestes incontrôlés rendant la manipulation de la manette difficile. En effet, il actionne régulièrement et involontairement la touche « touch pad »qui met le jeu en pause. Suite à cela, Peter a reçu une réponse de la part de Alex Nawabi, responsable des opérations marketing chez Sony, lui expliquant que sa situation l’avait pronfondément touché et qu’il s’occuperait personnellement de sa demande. Après quelques heures de développement, une manette personnalisée et adaptée aux difficultés de Peter a été conçue. Offert par Sony, Peter peut désormais profiter pleinement de sa Playstation 4.

I figure I share this story with everyone because it is too good not to share! When I use the PlayStation 4 controller my game constantly pauses because my left hand hits the touchpad which is frustrating for me. Around two weeks ago, I decided to message PlayStation support and they gave this email address and said tell them my issue and wait for a response. A man by the name of Alex Nawabi from PlayStation messaged me and told me he was taking my matter personally and not on behalf of PlayStation. I explained to him my problem with a controller as well as my condition of cerebral palsy. I even had to give him a visual of what my left hand looked like gripping the controller. After a series of back and forth emails. Mr. Nawabi told me he was ordering some parts to come up with a solution for me. He emailed he last week saying that he tried to come up with a solution but it didn’t work. However, he would send me a PlayStation goodie box anyway. I received that box today and inside was the modified controller especially made for me and this letter. I honestly got choked up reading the letter as I did not expect anything like this to happen. Mr. Nawabi really cared about my situation and did this on his own time to make my experience better. I honestly can’t thank him enough for everything he did for me. Thank you Mr. Nawabi it really means a lot too me!
http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2016/04/03/custom-dualshock-4-for-cerebral-palsy-gamer/ Dualshock-4]]>

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